Exp2 Week1 - 6 axonometrics

1 -Toyo Ito- The space of an architecture should be built with flexible and soft(burring) borders responding to natural light, water, or wind rather than wall to isolate the human from the nature.

2 -Toyo Ito- ‘Home-for-all’ -As an architect should pay more attention to shaping communal spaces.

3 -Toyo Ito- "blurring architecture"-An architecture which has pure structure and function might contribute to a border vision for visitors.
 4-Luis Barragán -It is the architect's duty to make serenity as a permanent guest in the home
 5-Luis Barragán -Architects should find the fit between the natural environment and the man-made one and try to respond to the spiritual and aesthetic needs of humans by working in harmony with nature.
6-Luis Barragán - It is very important for humankind that architecture should move by its beauty


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